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In this area are compiled reports that may or may not be linked to the legal proceedings contained in this page, as well as any other information that affects the climate of impunity or justice surrounding crimes against journalists.
2012 - 12 - 20

A ministra da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República, Maria do Rosário, revelou que o governo tem a intenção de criar um programa de proteção aos jornalistas brasileiros, informou a BBC, nesta quinta-feira (20/12). De acordo com um relatório recente da organização Repórteres Sem Fronteiras (RSF), o país está entre os cinco "mais mortais" para os profissionais da área.

2012 - 12 - 6

An average of 30 journalists are murdered each year in direct reprisal for their work, and the perpetrators are almost never brought to justice. To fight impunity in press killings, the Committee to Protect Journalists has launched Speak Justice: Voices Against Impunity, a new digital platform to help break the cycle of fear and censorship.

2012 - 11 - 21

Tanya Lokshina, Human Rights Watch"s senior researcher in Moscow, has long been a thorn in the side of the Russian authorities. During the war in Chechnya, Lokshina documented and publicised the indiscriminate shelling, torture and disappearances by Russia"s forces and violations by insurgents. She has covered other atrocities in the Northern Caucasus, as well as, more recently, the crackdown on dissent in Moscow.

2012 - 11 - 20

You might know Ai Weiwei for his design of the 2008 Beijing Olympics Bird"s Nest stadium, the photo of his middle finger raised at Tiananmen Square, or even his take on Gangnam Style. What you may not know is that in China, the celebrated artist is an enemy of the state.

2012 - 11 - 19

Venezuelan journalist-turned-political cartoonist Rayma Suprani became the target of criticism and threats from state-run media and supporters of President Hugo Chávez for a cartoon published in the Venezuelan daily El Universal earlier this year, in which she highlights Venezuela"s poverty crisis.

2012 - 11 - 17
Juan Bosco Rabello, Tribuna Hoje

La Comisión de Constitución y Justicia de la Cámara podría votar en los próximos días el proyecto de reforma del Código Penal que agrava la pena de homicidio contra los periodistas. El diputado Alessandro Molon (PT-RJ) explicó que la iniciativa propone aumentar la pena si la víctima es un profesional de la prensa que investigaba denuncias de crímenes y desvío de dinero público.

2012 - 11 - 15
Alejandro Martínez, Journalism in the Americas Blog

In an essay published in the Nov. 22 edition of The New York Review of Books, celebrated journalist Alma Guillermoprieto mentions a press conference that took place a few years ago in the Mexican state of Durango summoned by the vicious drug trafficking organization Los Zetas.

2012 - 11 - 15

The Mexican authorities were urged by IAPA to conduct a prompt investigation into the death in Puebla of reporter Adrian Silva Moreno to determine why he was killed and who was responsible.

2012 - 11 - 13

IFEX, the global network defending and promoting free expression, is proud to announce the launch of International Day to End Impunity. Created by IFEX in 2011, the day is a call to action — to demand justice for those who have been targeted for exercising their right to freedom of expression, and to shed light on the issue of impunity.

2012 - 11 - 13

Al cumplirse cuatro años del asesinato del periodista Armando Rodríguez Carreón, El Choco, la Red de Periodistas de Juárez denunció el nulo avance en las investigaciones para dar con los autores materiales e intelectuales del crimen perpetrado el 13 de noviembre de 2008.

2012 - 11 - 12

Formalmente quedó instalada la Junta de Gobierno de Mecanismos de Protección de Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos y periodistas que encabezó el secretario de Gobernación, Alejandro Poiré, este mecanismo está dirigido para garantizar la vida y la integridad de los profesionales de la libertad de expresión y de la defensoría en derechos humanos, para iniciar sus trabajos contará con 40 millones de pesos, pero el secretario de gobernación confió en que la Cámara de Diputados considerará un incremento a este fondo para el ejercicio 2013.

2012 - 11 - 12
Proceso -

El personal de Proceso publica en la edición 1880, actualmente en circulación, una carta en la que rechaza las conclusiones de la investigación del gobierno de Veracruz sobre el asesinato de la corresponsal Regina Martínez.

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