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August 12, 2010
UN calls for crimes against journalists in Mexico to be made federal offenses
Verónica Rangel, W Radio

Mexico City, Mexico— United Nations Rapporteur Frank la Rue insisted on the need to make crimes committed against journalists to be made federal offenses and for there to be compliance with the recommendations of the National Human Rights Commission and thus deal with attacks upon journalists.

La Rue warned that Mexico is going through a critical time due to the attacks that journalists and social activists are being subjected to.

On a visit to the Senate he reported that Mexico has the fifth highest level of violence against journalists in the world, the Philippines being in first place.

For this reason he insisted on the need to make crimes committed against journalists federal offenses, as well as compliance with the recommendations of the National Human Rights Commission to thus deal with attacks upon journalists.

“I am urging you here because I believe it is important to bring about this federalization and I believe also important is a reconsideration of the whole issue of creating equitable mechanisms for the news media in all sectors, including broadcast frequencies for radio and television. This is a relevant issue for Mexico and Guatemala, where there is no law that recognizes community communication, and that is regrettable,” he said.

For his part the president of the Senate, Carlos Navarrete of the PRD party, warned that there is a clear threat because the number of journalists being threatened and murdered in his country is on the increase.

He said this new threat is not focused on political parties, as territories are not respected, nor are the partisan colors of those leading them.

He argued that criminals are not interested in political dispute, but rather in breaking down the Mexican state and kidnapping Mexicans’ freedom.

“And in kidnapping Mexicans’ freedom to be able to work, to be able to express themselves, to be able to take care of their heritage and family, today the criminals in Mexico have decided also to raise their sights at the representatives of the news media,” he added.>

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